
This is the most popular snack food in the Netherlands. You get it about everywhere, in...

Oven Baked Beet Root

A delicious way to have beet root.
(4) 1 rating

Pesto and Prosciutto Sandwich

This recip was created for the RSC game 2018. You may use any kind of focaccia...
(5) 3 ratings

Moosbeenidei (Blueberry pikelets)

his is a typical sweet dish from the Pinzgau in Austria. Not exactly a dumpling as...
(3) 2 ratings

Powidl-Pofesen (Austrian French Toast)

The Austrian variation of French toast. Another example of hearty rural cuisine that makes use of...
(5) 1 rating

Fiaker Coffee

This is one of the many Austrian coffee specialties. It is said that this was a...
(4) 2 ratings

Pinzgauer Kaspressknoedel (Cheese dumplings)

This is a typical recipe from the Pinzgau in Austria. The original recipe requires "Bierkäse" (beer...

Maria Theresia Coffee

Another Austrian brew which is said to date back to empress Maria Theresia. I post this as...
(5) 5 ratings

Louis XIV Coffee

Another Austrian coffee specialty which maybe is not quite as popular as Kaisermelange or Fiaker or...
(4) 4 ratings

Kaisermelange Coffee

Ausitria's most famous coffee beverage, the emperor's melange. Rich and filling - use organic eggs to...
(5) 1 rating