Who said that a crepe had to be flat

A new version of a crepe different look same great taste.

cookies&cream crepes honey optional!

a dessert that is better served cold, honey optional

Crepe in perfect world cookies&creme&fruit filling

the new Aunt Jemima crepe mix. with a filling of mango, raspberry, blueberry, blended until smooth....

Crepes with a Lofty Fruit & Vegetable blend.

A lofty treat, all that is mising is the yellow box.

noni Betcha By Golly Wow

The fruit that has claim to essential health benefits

Shrimp Kabobs Nori veggie-stadium ware from game!

A stadium fare ware server is the idea for this menu.

Beer Cheese cups & Suntory malt beer a ingredient¨

A spicy cheese and your fav beer and a appetazer, when you want in.

Carrot Coconut Soup

This soup can be converted to your taste. add or take away ingredients, it´s your call.