Saurkraut Salad

this makes alot and keeps for days. tangy and tasty
(5) 1 rating

Pay Day Candy Snack

My aunt used to make this and shared with me when I told her how much...
(5) 1 rating

My Breakfast Special

this is one of my man's favorite dishes, he asks for it often.
(5) 1 rating

Cheesy Italian Pan Bread

this is quite a tasty pan of bread
(5) 1 rating

Spinach Croquettes

found this in an old magazine from a few years ago.
(5) 1 rating

Clark Bars

I make these at Christmas time and also Easter. can form into eggs, or logs or...
(5) 1 rating

Cherry Nut Cake

this cake is soft, consistency of a white cake, and so flavorful.
(5) 1 rating

Microwave Peanut Brittle

this is so easy. and tasty.
(5) 1 rating

Chocolate Macaroon Cookies

remind me of haystacks
(5) 1 rating

Shiny Top Cobbler

the glaze on top makes this special. even great made into a pineapple cobbler. you can...
(5) 1 rating