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Recipes matching “Nutter butter and Chocolate Overload Cupcakes”

Cranberry-pumpkin spice cupcakes

These moist cupcakes are full of spice and a creamy pumpkin taste, along w/ the tart...
(5) 1 rating

Coffee cupcakes

These cupcakes are moist and light and best eaten fresh. I am not sure how...

Lasagna Cupcakes with Pesto Sauce

I got this from This isn't a weight watcher recipe. However, I always like putting...

Margarita Cupcakes for the Holidays

This recipe is best recipe for Margaritas Cupcakes. It was easy and tasty!

~ Coconut Cupcakes & Luscious Frosting ~ Yum

Love coconut & love these cupcakes. The frosting is delicious! I tweaked the cupcake recipe from a...

Lemon Sunshine Cupcake

Just wanted to have a little fun with a cake mix. What better way to bring...

Best Easy Champagne Cupcakes

These Champagne Cupcakes are super moist and full of champagne flavor! They are the Best Easy...

Strawberry Champagne Cupcakes

These cupcakes are perfect for a bridal shower. The cupcakes have a hint of champagne...