Bahn Mi

I love Asian food in any way shape and form, and these Vietnamese sandwiches do the...
(5) 2 ratings

Red Onion Relish

I wanted to make a red onion relish. No idea what is supposed to be in...
(5) 2 ratings

Mock garlic mayonaise

All out of mayo and needed some for the sandwiches I made for dinner. Made this...
(5) 2 ratings

Crunchy Chicken Salad

Doing a little experimenting to see exactly what I can and cannot eat. This is hard!...
(5) 1 rating

Coconut Oil Body Scrub

I get really itchy and really dry skin...and this once every week or two really helps! I...
(5) 1 rating

Sour Cream and Onion Salmon Cakes

I baked a beautiful chunk of salmon...pulled it out of the oven and went YUCK! I...
(5) 1 rating

Strawberry Milkshake

Quick, easy and not so bad for you. Yum!
(5) 1 rating

Catfish Courtboullion

I wanted something spicy and something fish at the same time. I thought 'Time to pull...
(5) 1 rating

Cucumber and Red Onion Salad

This salad is simple, easy and tasty! My hubby likes cucumbers with vinegar...I like them with salt...
(5) 1 rating

Fresh Strawberry Daquiris

I wanted strawberry daquiris and came up with this. :D
(5) 1 rating