Runza's (Lancaster Style)

Being born and raised in good old Nebraska,we got accustomed to amazing food and one of...
(5) 1 rating

Chicken Chimichangas

I used to work for Taco Bueno, and I fell in love with their chimichanga's. So...
(5) 1 rating

Strawberry Jam

Well I don't know about your house hold, but with three growing children, we go through...
(5) 1 rating

Tomatillo Verde Salsa

My family LOVES salsa verde! What is Salsa verde? you ask! It's green sauce for everything...
(5) 2 ratings

Cinnamon Raisin Bread for bread machine

I love my new bread machine my hubby got me for my birthday! I have saved...
(5) 2 ratings

Blackberry Pecan Jelly

Canning Season!! Oh how I love to can! You can make your own recipes and can...
(5) 1 rating

Chewiest Snickerdooodle Cookies Ever!!

My wonderful loving,caring sweet husband who works so I can stay at home and cook these...
(5) 1 rating

Cheesy Olive Herb Bread

I love bread, I love to make everything from Scratch, So I found a Herb Cheese...
(5) 2 ratings

Homemade Fondant

I always made fun of fondant, how it looked, tasted, it just didn't look good. Until...
(5) 2 ratings

Swedish Ham Balls

I come from a small area in Nebraska, Stromsburg Nebraska, the Swedish Capital of Nebraska. ...
(5) 1 rating