summer berry shrub

Recipe by
Beth Renzetti

I'm really not sure where the term 'shrub' came from. When you replace the water in the simple syrup with vinegar, preferably organic apple-cider vinegar, you've created a shrub, a bracing and very refreshing early-American treat. The version of this that was in the gardening email I received specified certain berries. I think we can choose whichever berries look best when shopping! The bulk of the 'cook time' is for cooling the berry mixture.

yield 6 -8 glasses of soda
prep time 5 Min
cook time 30 Min
method Stove Top

Ingredients For summer berry shrub

  • 1/2 c
    blue berries or blackberries or. ..
  • 1/2 c
    raspberries or strawberries or ...
  • 1/2 - 1 c
    sugar, depending on the sweetness of the berries
  • 1 c
    organic cider vinegar

How To Make summer berry shrub

  • 1
    Add the fruit, ½ cup sugar, and vinegar to a small saucepan and stir to combine. Bring to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat and simmer until the fruit is soft and the sugar is dissolved. Taste for sweetness and add more sugar as needed, stirring to dissolve. Remove from heat.
  • 2
    When the liquid is cool, mash or puree the fruit in the syrup and strain into a jar. Discard the solids.
  • 3
    To make one glass of shrub, stir 3 tablespoons of syrup into 8 ounces of cold carbonated water. The syrup will keep for 2 weeks in the fridge.