Apple Nut Muffins with streusel topping

Here is a hearty, moist delicious muffin that hides a little whole wheat in it. A...

Chocolate Breakfast Muffins

These were made by a team of 2 in our high schools cooking class. it is...

Feather Light Muffins

I have loved these muffins for years, originally finding it in a Taste of Home magazine...

Simply Sinful Cinnamon Muffins

Here is a recipe from King Arthur Flour company that I have loved for years. If...

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Other than tweaking the amount of brown sugar to white, this has been a family favorite...

Crazy good Apple Crisp

The secret to this wonderful dessert is (shhh): the Tuaca liqueor and the long cooking time....

EZ Turtle Skillet Fudge Cake

This is a quick and wonderful cake for guests, birthdays or just you guys. It helps...

Fresh Coconut pie

While visiting my aunt in 'Bammy, we had dinner at a friends house and she served...

Creamy Homemade Yogurt

Making your own yogurt is deeply satisfying. Like baking your own bread or making your own...

Country Apple Coffeecake

I have this old recipe from one of those Pillsbury baking books you see by the...