The Buzz About Honey

Did you know there are over 300 varieties of honey in the US alone?! According to the National Honey Board, the type of honey depends on the floral variety that the honeybee visits.

The differences between types of honey can be detected in their color, taste, or even odor. Colors of honey can range in dark browns, tans, golds, yellows, ambers, and even colorless. Their fragrance and flavor may be slight or extremely bold. The honey board also states that in general, the darker the honey, the more flavorful it is, while lighter varieties tend to be milder.

Honey is said to have allergy and asthma healing properties when consumed regularly. However, keep in mind the honey must be from your same geographical region for you to get any relief from these ailments. It can also be used as a natural cough suppressant and a sore throat soother.

Here are the most common honey varieties in the US that you may find at your local market:


The most common honey floral in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon and most western states. It has a light color and flavor, so it is most likely to be used for everyday needs.


As you may have guessed, California produces the most avocado honey. Just like the plants produce, the bees produce honey that is rich and buttery. It is typically a bit darker and stronger in flavor, so it’s best for sauces and marinades.


A type of tree found in Southern Canada, to Alabama, to Texas that a leads to a clear honey. The honey is considered strong and has a bit of a bite to it.


A delightful light colored honey produced from blueberries found typically in Michigan and New England. Contrary to popular belief, blueberries are not added to the honey. It is simply the product of the bees pollinating and drinking the nectar from the small white blueberry leaves.


Common in the south, buckwheat honey is dark and rich in flavor, similar to molasses.


Most often commercially produced honey that most people have in their homes. It is a mild and sweet honey that is the perfect table-honey.


Eucalyptus is known for its medicinal properties, interestingly enough, the eucalyptus honey has a slight medicinal aftertaste to it.


Grows in the Northern States and Canada, produces honey that is light in color and flavor.

Orange Blossoms

Orange blossoms bloom in March and April and are the leading honey source for southern Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California. They produce an amber color honey with a citrus aroma.


Found in southern states such as Georgia and known for a unique sweet, spicy, anise aroma and flavor. Often used in southern type glazes and recipes.


Tulips blossom bloom in May all over the United States. The honey associated with them has a dark rich color but a lighter flavor compared to other dark kinds of honey.