aloe vera doggy shampoo for sensitive skin

Recipe by
Stormy Stewart
Mio, MI

About as pure a shampoo as you can get, this recipe is detergent-free; in addition, the healing properties of aloe vera gel helps to sooth skin irritations.

yield 2 cups of shampoo
prep time 5 Min

Ingredients For aloe vera doggy shampoo for sensitive skin

  • 2 c
  • 2 Tbsp
    aloe vera gel
  • 2 tsp
    liquid castile soap
  • 1 tsp
    vegetable oil or glycerin

How To Make aloe vera doggy shampoo for sensitive skin

  • 1
    Combine all ingredients in a jar. Shake to blend. Get the pet's coat wet, pour on the shampoo a few tablespoons at a time, lathering as you go. Work the shampoo in with your hands. Rinse thoroughly. Unless you want the pet to shake themselves dry (and get everything in the vicinity wet at the same time!), towel them dry.

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