slow cooked corned beef

Recipe by
Shirley Brezzell
Ypsilanti, MI

This is perfect for when you have a lot of cooking to do. This is a major dish, but cooks overnight, which frees up the oven, for dishes that have to baked and served immediately. I start it about 10 pm, let it bake until 11 pm and I know that it is good and hot. I then turn the oven down to 250-275 and let it bake until 6 or 7 am in the morning. The brown sugar may smell as it if is burning, but it is such a large piece of beef it is not. I have made this for my family for years and they have never been disappointed. I hope you enjoy this.

yield 10 -12
prep time 20 Min
cook time 8 Hr
method Slow Cooker Crock Pot

Ingredients For slow cooked corned beef

  • 10-12 lb
    corned beef
  • 1 lb
    dark brown sugar
  • 1 pkg
    heavy duty aluminum foil

How To Make slow cooked corned beef

  • 1
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • 2
    Remove corned beef from package and rinse off excess fluid.
  • 3
    Cover each side of brisket with 1/2 lbs of the dark brown sugar.
  • 4
    Wrap tightly with two layers of aluminum foil. Place in a roaster pan and bake at 350 for about an hour. Turn the oven down to 250-275 degrees and bake overnight, (4-7 hours. Let rest before slicing.