sherbet punch

Recipe by
Stacey Lawson
New Orleans, LA

Ok, so I've been in this throwback mood lately. This punch my mom made for every occasion, Christmas parties, birthday parties, baby showers or any family get together. Us kids loved this punch and just couldn't drink enough of it. Its refreshing and sweet and delicious. You can't ever lose with this sherbet punch. You can make it any flavor you want, that's the best part. This punch just reminds me of my childhood and good times. This recipe makes one bowlful. My mom always had several quarts of sherbet and ginger ale because we would drink it up. She would usually make at least two batches.

yield serving(s)
prep time 10 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For sherbet punch

  • 1 qt
    sherbet softened, any flavor you like
  • 5 qt
    ginger ale
  • 1 lg
    punch bowl
  • limes, lemons, or any other fruit for a garnish to accompany the flavor of your sherbet

How To Make sherbet punch

  • 1
    Place frozen sherbet in punch bowl and allow to soften in the bowl.
  • 2
    Add all of the ginger ale to the sherbet.
  • 3
    Add fruit garnishes is you choose. This punch is so yummy and delicious