beverage essentials: summer slushies’

Recipe by
Andy Anderson !
Wichita, KS

Okay it is a hot one… the blazing sun is pounding down on you from an angry hard-blue sky, and you cannot even remember the last time it rained. You are hot, tired, and your sweat-soak shirt is clinging to you like wet newspaper. What do you need, you might ask? You need alcohol. Yes, you heard me correctly. After a couple of these, you will not care what the temperature is… you will not care what day of the week it is... you will not even care if you have your pants on. So, you ready… Let’s get into the kitchen.

yield serving(s)
prep time 5 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For beverage essentials: summer slushies’

  • 3 c
    wine, white or red, your choice
  • 10 oz
    fruit, your choice
  • 1/4 c

How To Make beverage essentials: summer slushies’

  • 1
  • 2
    You will need a good blender to make this concoction, and an ice tray.
  • 3
    Gather your ingredients (mise en place).
  • 4
    Add the wine to an ice tray, and freeze.
  • 5
    I use bags of frozen fruit for this drink; however, it you are using fresh fruit, stick it in the freezer. Everything, except the vodka, needs to be frozen.
  • 6
    Add to a blender, and slush away.
  • 7
  • So yummy
    Pour into glasses, and work on that brain freeze. Enjoy.
  • Stud Muffin
    Keep the faith, and keep cooking.