potato scones (old scottish recipe)

Recipe by
Susan Feliciano
Oak Ridge, TN

I have a linen dish towel printed with old Scottish recipes, one of which is for potato scones. I had to go on-line to look up the measurements - what is a "gill?" I give you the standard measurements in the Ingredients. The first direction is verbatim what is written on the dishtowel. I'd say it's circa 1700. Then the modern directions follow. Have fun with this one. They are not like "scones" as we know them, but rather a thick potato pancake. I cooked mine in my new scone pan, but they would really be better cooked on a griddle.

yield 8 scones
prep time 20 Min
cook time 20 Min
method Griddle

Ingredients For potato scones (old scottish recipe)

  • 8 oz
    boiled potatoes
  • 1/8 tsp
  • 1/2 c
  • 1/4 c
    light cream
  • flour for rolling

How To Make potato scones (old scottish recipe)

  • 1
    Original recipe: Mash 1/2 lb. boiled potatoes, add pinch of salt. Knead in about 2 oz. flour and add 1/2 gill sweet milk. Roll out thinly on floured board, cut into scones. Bake on a hot griddle about 5 minutes, turning when half cooked. Prick with a fork.
  • 2
    Modernized directions: Cook and mash well 8 oz of white potato. Add in salt.
  • 3
    Knead in 1/2 cup flour. Stir in 1/4 cup light cream (or half & half).
  • 4
    Turn out on floured surface and knead in just enough flour lightly to make a dough you can roll.
  • 5
    At this point, I just pinched off balls of dough and pressed them in a greased scone pan. I baked at 400° about 12-15 minutes.
  • 6
    Or, you can roll the dough out into 2 small circles and cut into wedges or smaller circles, as for biscuits. Bake on a hot griddle about 3 minutes on each side.
  • 7
    These are good spread with soft cheese or deviled ham. Do not expect them to be like regular biscuits or scones. They are more like a potato pancake.