Real Recipes From Real Home Cooks ®

party appetizers (easy peasy)

Recipe by
Jennifer Ellis
Pace, FL

I do not claim ownership to any of the following appetizer ideas. These are just things my parents and their parents set out when company was coming over.

method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For party appetizers (easy peasy)

  • 1 jar
    Spanish peanuts
  • 1 can
    fancy mixed nuts
  • 1 jar
    sweet gherkin pickles
  • 1 jar
    pearl onions
  • 1-2 can
    pitted black olives
  • 1-2 can
    pitted green olives
  • 8 oz
    cream cheese
  • 1 bottle
    Pickapeppa sauce
  • 1 box
    Ritz crackers
  • 2 -3 c
    pecan halves
  • 1 c
    softened blue cheese

How To Make party appetizers (easy peasy)

  • 1
    *NOTE* not all of these ingredients are going to go in the same container.
  • 2
    Place the Spanish peanuts, mixed nuts, pickles, pearl onions, black olives, and green olives in their own separate serving containers, be it in a pretty sectioned party tray, bowls, etc...
  • 3
    Place the cream cheese on a paper plate or pretty plate, something with a slight raised edge, so the sauce doesn't make a mess. Pour the entire bottle of Pickapeppa sauce over it, and serve with Ritz crackers, spreading a sleeve or two around the block of cream cheese attractively, and placing a butter knife near or in the dish. (spread it on the crackers and enjoy).
  • 4
    Take one pecan half, and spread the blue cheese on it, then sandwich another half on top, press down lightly so you don't break the nut, and place in a pretty dish.