5 Ways to Stay Healthy This Summer

1. Get Outside!

If you live somewhere with snow days, you’ve likely been cooped up all winter in the gym (or in your home gym). Thankfully, warmer temperatures mean you can get outside and explore with healthy activities like hiking, walking, biking or running.

Summer is an excellent season to turn meal dates such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, into an exercise get together. Instead of meeting a friend for coffee, grab it to go and take it on a long walk. Or if you’re close to dining places, walk instead of driving!

If you live where temperatures are going to be in the 100’s try to plan ahead so that you can still enjoy some of a healthy, active summer. Plan to go right before first light; you’ll catch an awesome sunrise in cooler temperatures and be able to enjoy the outdoors! Also, utilize those overcast or rainy days to get outside in cooler temps!

2. Binge On Berries

The most popular summer fruits are berries including strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries! They are at their peak during the summer months so this means they will be fresher, tastier, and have more nutrients at this time of year. Berries are also among the lowest sugar fruits, which means everyone can enjoy them! They pack an antioxidant punch which helps strengthen your immune system while satisfying your sweet tooth.

3. Fire Up the Grill

Firing up the grill may be one of the BEST parts about summer. Don’t just limit yourself to proteins like chicken, meat, and fish. Be adventurous by throwing vegetables wrapped in foil on the grill for a delicious flavor with fewer dishes. Feeling wild? You can even grill foods like fruits and avocado!

Grilling is generally considered a healthier, low-fat cooking method. However, it is associated with the formation of HCA’s which are considered carcinogenic. HCA’s (heterocyclic aminos) are naturally produced when meat is grilled at a high temperature. To lower your risk, marinate meat at least one hour before grilling and clean the grill between each use.

4. Vacation

Good for the body and soul! Vacationing, real vacationing, the kind that allows you to connect with your family and disconnect from the internet will lower your stress levels. It may also give you the mid-year boost you need to get back your productivity mojo.

5. Water

Stay hydrated! Most people need to drink half their body weight in fluid ounces daily to maintain hydration. They may need more if they are active or live in hot climates. Drinking lots of fluid will prevent dehydration which is associated with fatigue, headaches, decreased sports performance, and more. You can also load up on water-rich fruits and vegetables to help increase your hydration levels.