Movie Titanic Turns 20

Near, far, wherever you are…you know you’ve watched the amazingness that is Titanic (1997).

For 20 years now, this iconic movie has been in our lives. The record breaking film, that was viewed so much that movie theaters wore out their copies and had to be sent new reels, is the second highest grossing film of all time ($2,186,772,302)…but it’s definitely number one in our hearts.

Being able to get a glimpse of what life was like on the fateful Titanic voyage is hard for anyone to refuse. Plus, I mean, who doesn’t love the amazing love story between Rose and Jack? The way the director, James Cameron, included and recreated this iconic ship from the real wreckage transports us to the magic that is the Titanic and it’s all entwined with a legendary love story that captured our hearts forever.

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And James Cameron made our experience unforgettable. He truly went above and beyond on this film. Did you know that extras were given a 3 hour long lecture regarding proper 1912 decorum? Plus, Cameron included real names and backstories of over 150 passengers for the extras on the film. These little details transform this film into a true honor to the Titanic and all who sadly lost their lives that early April morning.

Want to learn more fun facts about the movie Titanic? Here are a few of our favorites:

1. The elderly couple you see hugging on a bed as their room floods? That is Ida and Isidor Straus – the owners of Macy’s department store in New York. It’s recorded that Ida was offered a seat on a life raft but refused, saying “As we have lived together, so we shall die together.” Meaning, she wasn’t leaving her husband Isidor.

2. James Cameron actually went on the dives to film the sunken ship, and ended up spending more time with the Titanic that its living passengers did.

3. After the script was finished for Rose DeWitt Bukater and Jack Dawson, Cameron discovered there was actually a “J. Dawson” who lost his life on the real Titanic.

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4. Titanic was the first film to be released on video (two VHS tapes needed) while it was still being shown in theaters.

5. If you only include the shots that took place in 1912, the film would last 2 hours and 40 minutes – the exact amount of time it took for the Titanic to sink.

6. The “I’m flying, Jack” scene in Titanic is a real sunset. James Cameron didn’t want to use CGI and captured the scene at the perfect moment right before the sunset went away.

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Want to learn more fun facts about the Titanic movie? Check out these links:

Titanic Trivia – IMDB
25 Things You Didn’t Know About The Movie “Titanic”
33 Things You Didn’t Know About The Movie “Titanic”
25 Interesting facts about the making of the movie “Titanic” that you didn’t know