russet potato fans

Recipe by
Andy Anderson !
Wichita, KS

This baked potato with it's fans, creates an excellent presentation. This looks like a very fancy side dish, but is very easy to accomplish. As it bakes, the slices fan out slightly for a real cool look... We eat first with our eyes. This is as comfortable at a family dinner as it would be at a dinner party. Definitely a unique and delicious way to serve potatoes. This recipe has aspects of one we did at the CIA, some help from Sweden, and a few twists of my own.

yield 4 serving(s)
prep time 15 Min
cook time 45 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For russet potato fans

  • 4 lg
    russet potatoes
  • 1/4 c
    parmesan cheese, freshly grated
  • 1/2 c
    panko bread crumbs
  • 4 Tbsp
    sweet butter, unsalted, melted
  • 1 tsp
    paprika, sweet mild
  • course sea salt, to taste
  • 2 tsp
    parsley, freshly chopped

How To Make russet potato fans

  • 1
    Throughly wash the potatoes with the skins intact. Chef's Note: To keep the cooking stable, choose potatoes of uniform size and shape. Chef's Note: Some people remove the skin, but I prefer to leave the skins on.
  • 2
    Slice a small section off the bottom of the potato. This serves two functions: One, it will keep the spud from rolling around, and two, when they bake it helps the slices to fan out.
  • 3
    Use a sharp knife and cut the fans into the potato, crosswise, and about 1/4 thick, leaving about 1/4 of the bottom intact. Rinse in cold water and allow to air dry for about an hour. Chef's Note: During the drying process see if you can gently begin to fan out the potato slices.
  • 4
    Add the parmesan cheese, breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon of the melted butter, and paprika into a small bowl and then mix until throughly combined.
  • 5
    Take 3 tablespoons of the melted butter, and brush into each of the potatoes; making sure to get in in-between each one of the fan slices.
  • 6
    Take the breadcrumb mixture, and pat 1/4 on the top of each of the potatoes. Sprinkle the tops with some big flakes of sea salt... to your taste.
  • 7
    Place a rack in the lower position, and preheat your oven to 430f (220c).
  • 8
    Place the potatoes in a lightly oiled baking dish, cover with foil, and then bake, covered, for about 40 minutes. Chef's Note: At the CIA we used an arched baking rack, so the potatoes didn't bake on a flat surface, and the arch in the rack helped to fan out the slices... neat trick.
  • 9
    Remove foil, and continue baking for about 15 additional minutes, or until the skin turns crispy.
  • Potato fans not only look good, they taste great.
    Plate/Prepare This is, of course, a side dish, so use it as your one starch in just about any meal. As a matter of fact, I've taken these out of the oven, smothered them in my homemade chili recipe, and made it a meal... Keep the faith, and keep cooking...