Real Recipes From Real Home Cooks ®

Savory Zucchini, Bacon and Herb OMM

Savory Zucchini, Bacon and Herb OMM was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"For years, I lived down in Mexico with a broken microwave. I'd read and read about the "One-Minute-Muffins" in all the various low-carb forums, but never had the opportunity to TRY one! I finally moved into an apartment with a working microwave and gave one a shot. O ... M ... G!!! Since then, I've been making all sorts of flavors! This is about my 8th flavor combination, so far (on the website, anyway). I wanted to try something different, though. No more SWEET flavors, and no just plan breads, either. I wanted something interesting, unique and special! The kind of think you could serve in place of a bread basket during a nice meal and NO ONE will question you about the lack of "bread" ... they'll just gobble THESE tasty things down and beg for more! I chose to go "savory" this time, starting with a zucchini base. I then incorporated bacon, parmesan, fresh herbs and a simple topping of cream cheese! Pretty, tasty and ... pretty spectacular, too!..."

2 tbsp (13g)golden flaxseed meal (Buy Now)
2 tbsp (14g)almond meal (Buy Now)
2 tbsp (12.5g)parmesan cheese, grated
1/2 tsp (2g)baking powder (Buy Now)
1 dash (0g)salt
2 tbsp (22.5g)grated zucchini
1 tbsp (6g)chopped toasted pecans
1 large (50g)whole egg
1 tsp (4.67g)bacon fat, melted
1 tbsp (7.1g)real bacon bits, divided
1/2 tsp (.5g)chopped fresh thyme, divided
3 tbsp (42.56g)full fat cream cheese, warmed
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