Real Recipes From Real Home Cooks ®

tomato and cucumber salad

Recipe by
Lori L (JostLori)
San Diego

My brother just reminded me that we had this a lot when growing up. Measurements are just a guess - adjust to your own taste! They key here is to make it a day in advance.

yield 4 serving(s)
prep time 10 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For tomato and cucumber salad

  • 2 lg
  • 2
    English cucumbers
  • 1 lg
    sweet onion
  • 2 clove
    garlic, minced
  • 1/4 c
    extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 c
  • `1/2 c
    cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp
    kosher salt (less, if using regular)
  • 3/4 tsp
    black pepper

How To Make tomato and cucumber salad

  • 1
    Cut the tomatoes into wedges and place in a non-reactive bowl. Peel the cucumbers (or not and cut them into 1/4 inch slices and add to the bowl. Peel and slice the onion, add to the bowl.
  • 2
    Add remaining ingredients to a small bowl or measuring cup. Stir to combine, pour over veggies, and toss to coat.
  • 3
    Cover and refrigerate overnight. When serving, use a slotted spoon to drain some of the liquid away. OPTIONAL: this is really good with bocconcini (pearl mozarella balls) and fresh basil added right before serving.