Real Recipes From Real Home Cooks ®

Rhubarb Crumble

"When the Yorkshire Forced Rhubarb comes in each year, with its hot pink, slender stems, I feel my spirits lift! Of course you can make crumbles with hardy outdoor rhubarb — indeed, that’s the normal way to make them — but there is nothing quite like a crumble made with the early, tender stuff. For me, it makes the best crumble in the world and thus, arguably, the best Sunday-lunch pudding in the world! If it makes life easier, you can make the crumble mixture up in advance and leave it in a covered container..."

800 grams forced pink rhubarb (or 1kg untrimmed weight) - chopped into 1cm/½ in pieces
50 grams caster sugar
20 grams butter
2½ teaspoons best-quality vanilla extract
1 tablespoon cornflour
150 grams plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
110 grams unsalted butter (cold and diced into approx 1cm/½ inch pieces)
45 grams caster sugar (or granulated sugar)
45 grams demerara sugar
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