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Recipe: Macaroni and Cheese for Two

Recipe: Macaroni and Cheese for Two was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"We have a running debate going about whether macaroni and cheese is a main dish or a side dish. When I was growing up, we had it as a main dish on Fridays (Catholic family and all). However, when I moved to the South, I found that most people down here consider it a side dish. Who knew? In any case, the first amounts below make two very generous side servings; you may want to use the larger amounts (in parentheses) for two entrees, depending on your appetites. The amount of panko topping you need will depend on the size of your dish -- the amount below will cover a small oval dish (about 8" x 5")...."

2-1/2 (4-1/2) ounces elbow macaroni or small shells
1-1/2 (2) teaspoons kosher salt
1-1/2 (2-1/2)teaspoons butter
1-1/2 (2-1/2) teaspoons all-purpose flour
Pinch dried mustard
3 (5) fluid ounces whole milk
1/2 (3/4) ounce cream cheese
3 (5-1/2) ounces cheddar cheese, shredded*
1 (1-1/2) ounce Monterey jack cheese, shredded*
2 teaspoons butter
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
2 tablespoons grated Parmigiano or other grana cheese (optional)
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