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ome-made Coconut Oil Deodorant

ome-made Coconut Oil Deodorant was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Homemade Deodorant
¼ cup expeller-pressed coconut oil
¼ cup shea butter
¼ cup baking soda
¼ cup cornstarch or arrowroot powder
10 drops essential oil of your choice, optional
Over medium-low heat, melt the coconut oil and shea butter together and whisk in the remaining ingredients until smooth and uniform. Cool slightly and whisk in the essential oil of your choice, if desired.
Pour into a wide-mouthed container or a clean and empty deodorant container and smooth the top. Allow to cool in the fridge until solid before use. In the summer, store it in the fridge if your house stays so warm that the coconut oil won’t stay so
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