Real Recipes From Real Home Cooks ®


Recipe by
Neckfit Pillow
Navi Mumbai

The best pillow enables you to rest your head on the bed at the same level as your shoulders. It follows the curvature of the neck and continues to support it while you rest your head about 2.5 to 3.5 inches above the surface of the bed, whenever you turn to your sides without having you to wake up and adjust the pillow for height. The pillow shouldn’t slip away and discourage you to sleep on your belly! It should snugly adapt to your body structure, size and the requirement of softness or hardness.

yield 1 serving(s)
prep time 5 Min
cook time 10 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For healthy

  • bag
    pillow bag
  • box

How To Make healthy

  • 1
    Neckfit | Backfit | Posturefit Neckfit is good whether you are healthy or suffer from cervical spondylosis, shoulder pain, stiff neck or back pain. Consider to replace your current pillow with Neckfit which offers the best design that your pillow needs to have. The innovatively designed orthopedic pillow Neckfit is the most suitable cervical pillow for neck pain. Why wake up with neck and shoulder pain or stiffness? For best sleeping position for neck pain and headaches, use Neckfit and correct curvature of the spine while sleeping. Neckfit ensures sound sleep, without compromising your body posture. Neckfit has many variants to meet your need for the most appropriate pillow for you.