easter lily

(5 ratings)
Recipe by
Kim Biegacki
Youngstown, OH

The Easter Lily sure is a beautiful flower and is very popular during spring when Easter is celebrated by many individuals as a religious holiday. It has interesting historical purpose and is gains significant value when compared to Jesus Christ. May the Easter Lily have new meaning for you and bring forth comfort in knowing that there is only one:Lily of the Valley. I hope you have a wonderful Easter celebration with your family and friends.

(5 ratings)
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For easter lily


How To Make easter lily

  • 1
    The Easter Lily, also known by its Latin name Lilium longiflorum, has become the traditional Easter flower. With all the different flowers available in the spring garden, it is this beautiful, white flower, that has come to symbolize the spiritual values of Easter: purity, life and renewel. The flower's trumpet shape is a reminder of the heralding of Jesus, returning triumphant to Jerusalem.
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    The History of the Easter Lily Native to Japan, Easter Lilies were imported to the United States until 1941, when World War II prompted Americans to start growing their own bulbs. Today, nearly all of the 15 million Easter Lily bulbs grown in America are produced by just ten farms along the California-Oregon border. The bulbs are harvested in the fall, and then shipped to commercial greenhouses in Michigan, California, Pennsylvania and Ohio, where they are planted in time to bloom for Easter. Easter Lilies are the fourth largest selling potted plant in America, upstaged by the popular Christmas-time poinsettias, mums and azaleas.
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    Taking Care of Your Easter Lily To keep your Easter Lilies fresh and fragrant for as long as possible, purchase potted plants with flowers at various stages of opening and with abundant, dark green foliage. As the flowers open and mature, pinch off the yellow anthers before the pollen sheds. The yellow pollen will stain the other white flowers. Once a mature flower has started to wither, you may cut it off at the base to better showcase the new buds. Easter lilies thrive in moderately cool temperatures and enjoy bright, but indirect natural sunlight. Keep soil moist and well-drained. Avoid over-watering. Remove any decorative wrappings or coverings, which can trap standing water in the pot. You can expect your potted Easter Lily to bloom for 1-3 weeks around the Easter holiday. Despite its name, the natural bloom for the Easter Lily is actually during the summer. Under controlled greenhouse conditions, the lily is brought to an early bloom in time for Easter. If you want to continue to enjoy your lily for years to come, try planting the bulb and remaining greenery in your garden after the flowering is finished. Subsequent blooms will occur naturally in the summer. Instructions 1-3 from: http://www.holidays.net/easter/easterlily.htm
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    King Solomon preparing to build two pillars in front of the temple. The capitals which were on top of the pillars in the hall were in the shape of lilies, four cubits. - 1 Kings 7:19 The tops of the pillars were in the shape of lilies. So the work of the pillars was finished. -- 1 Kings 7:22 "These pillars were just over thirty feet in height, six feet in diameter, and cast from bronze. On top of each pillar was an eight foot high bronze "capital" elaborately decked with a network of gold chains and hundreds of cast pomegranates. these columns were entirely ornamental. They did not support any part of the Temple. This is our first clue that they were symbolic of something very important." The naming of the pillars: "Boaz means "by his strength and Jachin means "God will establish". Taken together, these two names form a declaration, "By His Strength --God will establish." Certainly this has reference to the building of the Temple. Solomon wrote in Psalm 127:1 "Unless the Lord builds the house (Temple), they labor in vain who build it." No doubt this was a reminder to Israel that without the Lord every endeavor was futile." Written by:Pastor Tim Warner 2007
  • Picture of Easter Lily is mine given to me by my Aunt Linda for Easter 2012.
    Christ the Lily of the Valley “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” Song of Solomon 2:1 Metaphor 1)A lily is white & very beautiful; within it are seven grains or seeds, of the color of gold, so amiable that our Saviour saith, “That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” For whiteness it exceeds all flowers. 2)The lily is the tallest of flowers, yet hangs down its head. 3)The lily is a flower that hath medicinal virtues; the distilled water of a lily is good to restore a lost voice, it helps faintness, is good for the liver, helps the dropsy; & the oil of it is good for divers maladies, says Galen. Parallel 1)Whiteness denotes holiness; it is said of the bride, the Lamb’s wife, “And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean & white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.” Revelation 19:8 Purity is essential, originally, perfectly, and absolutely inherent in Christ; He is holiness itself, His glory is infinite, within and without, every way glorious; the perfection of beauty. 2)Jesus Christ is higher than the mighty princes, kings & emperors of the earth, higher than heaven or angels, and yet humble & lowly in heart; therefore He is compared to the lily of the valley, in His exaltations, as God very high; but in His humiliations, He seems to hang down His head. 3)The great and incomparable virtue that is in the Lord Jesus Christ, is excellently good to cure all the diseases & maladies of the soul; it cures spiritual blindness, it softens a hard heart, it cures stubbornness & obstinancy, by His blessed infusion of grace; in a word, there is no malady too hard for this spiritual Physician. Application May we learn to be humble, seeing the lily which is said to be of a tall growth, yet hangeth down its head. As Christ is humble, so holiness & humility are the glorious ornaments of a Christian. From: http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-lily-of-the-valley.html
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    Easter Poem Easter morn with lilies fair Fills the church with perfumes rare, As their clouds of incense rise, Sweetest offerings to the skies. Stately lilies pure and white Flooding darkness with their light, Bloom and sorrow drifts away, On this holy hallow'd day. Easter Lilies bending low in the golden afterglow, Bear a message from the sod To the heavenly towers of God. -Louise Lewin Matthews --- This poem was found in a collection of books at the University of Michigan. The book was published by Granite Monthly Co. in 1903.
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    A book for children: The Parable of the Lily Written by:Liz Curtis Higgs "Maggie, the farmer's youngest daughter, loves getting gifts, especially mysterious ones. One wintry day, she receives a package in the mail. She excitedly opens the package to find a bulb buried in a crate of dirt. This was not what Maggie expected. She had hoped for a doll or a game, not a bulb that would one day become a plant. When spring comes, she finds the bulb in the cellar and tosses the lifeless thing into the garden, never to think of it again. . . . Until she walks outside on Easter morning and finds the most beautiful lily she has ever seen. Through the unique gift of a bulb, Maggie discovers the power of grace and forgiveness and the true meaning of Easter."