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salvadoran christmas turkey

Recipe by
Bessy Van Hoek
Vancouver, BC

I was born in El Salvador, and as long as I can remember, every Christmas my parents, brother and I went to my maternal grandmother to enjoy this delicious feast. My grandpa always fed a live turkey until it was fat enough to killed. We never saw when my grandpa did that. This delicious feast included a rice dish with beets and other veggies and a salad which included cut up cucumber, radishes, tomatoes, and romaine lettuce. The vinaigrette was lemon juice mixed with salt, and there were fresh buns.This Salvadoran Christmas turkey is so tender and is cooked perfectly with a delicious sauce.

yield 20 serving(s)
prep time 30 Min
cook time 3 Hr
method Bake

Ingredients For salvadoran christmas turkey

  • 1 bag
    relajo (a mix of Salvadoran spices)
  • 4 bottle
    strained tomatoes, divided
  • 3 box
    low-fat chicken broth, divided
  • 2 Tbsp
    chicken seasoning
  • 20 lb

How To Make salvadoran christmas turkey

  • This is the relajo Salvadoran spices.
    In a frying pan, add the relajo and cook it for a minute or two. The ingredients for the relajo are: bay leaves, achiote, chiles, cumin seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds—and then more idiosyncratic additions like peanuts.
  • 2
    In a blender, add the cooked relajo with 1 strained tomato bottle, 1 box chicken broth, some Knorr chicken seasoning and blend. If it is too thick, add more chicken broth. I usually have a couple of bottles of both in case I need to add more of the tomato and chicken broth.
  • 3
    Before preparing anything, I clean the turkey and giblets with lemon juice and water.
  • 4
    Place the clean turkey in a roasting pan. When the sauce is done, make sure you use a strainer to pour it on the turkey.
  • 5
    Put the turkey into a preheated oven at 300 degrees F. I usually start preparing the turkey the day before. And I put it in the oven around 6 AM. It does take about 2 to 3 hours.