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louisiana style glazed ham

(5 ratings)
Blue Ribbon Recipe by
Melissa Dommert
Baytown, TX

Looking at this photo brings back so many happy memories of holiday dinners and special family occasions. This is the way mama always cooked our holiday ham. Allowing the ham to slowly simmer seems to remove some of its excess saltiness. As the sweet and tangy glaze bakes onto the ham, it caramelizes to candied Southern perfection. Now that mama does her cooking up in Heaven, our family continues to carry on her tradition!

Blue Ribbon Recipe

Not everyone in Louisiana makes their ham like this, but they should. It's sticky and sweet with a little bit of tang. Adding mustard to the glaze gives the overall ham a slightly tangy flavor which is a nice contrast to the sweet sugar and pineapple juice. Boiling the ham before baking means it cooks quickly in the oven and the ham becomes super tender. Adding pineapple and cherries makes a beautiful presentation.

— The Test Kitchen @kitchencrew
(5 ratings)
yield 8 -10
prep time 15 Min
cook time 2 Hr 30 Min
method Bake

Ingredients For louisiana style glazed ham

  • 1
    Cook’s brand bone-in ham
  • 2 c
    light brown sugar (maybe more)
  • 1/4 c
    yellow mustard
  • 2 Tbsp
    pineapple juice
  • 1 jar
    maraschino cherries; optional
  • 1 can
    sliced pineapple; optional

How To Make louisiana style glazed ham

Test Kitchen Tips
If you use the cherries and pineapple slices, add a bit of their juices to the glaze for added flavor.
  • Placing the ham in a pot of water.
    Rinse off ham and place in a large pot. Cover as much of the ham as possible with water and bring to a good, bubbling simmer.
  • Covering the pot with aluminum foil.
    Cover the pot with a large piece of aluminum foil that you have poked a couple of holes in. Cook for approximately 15 minutes per pound of ham. For example, an 8 pound ham would need to cook for about 2 hours. Keep an eye on it during cooking as it has a tendency to bubble over if the heat is too high.
  • Combining the ingredients for the glaze.
    Preheat the oven to 375 degrees while you prepare the glaze. For the glaze, combine brown sugar, mustard and pineapple juice to make a thick paste.
  • Stirring the ingredients until combined.
    Sometimes you may need to add a few more tablespoons of brown sugar if needed to thicken glaze. You don’t want it to be too thin or it will roll right off the ham.
  • Placing ham on a baking sheet.
    Carefully pour the water off of ham and remove it to a 9x13-inch pan or a baking sheet that has been lined with aluminum foil (this makes cleanup easier).
  • Spreading half the glaze over the ham.
    Spread ½ of glaze all over ham and bake for about 30 minutes until glaze has cooked onto ham. About halfway through the baking time, spread a little more glaze onto ham and continue baking.
  • Adding pineapple slices and cherries to ham.
    To make an extra special glazed ham, garnish it with pineapple slices (held in place with toothpicks) and cherries before glazing it. Be sure to remove toothpicks before serving.
  • Ham removed from the oven.
    Remove from oven and place ham on a serving platter or plate.
  • Extra glaze for the ham.
    Pour the glaze drippings from the pan back into remaining glaze, stir to combine and microwave for a minute or two until warm. Serve glaze with ham.