5 hour round tip beef roast

Recipe by
Rose Mary Mogan
Sauk Village, IL

This is the kind of roast you cook on a day when you have lots of errands to run. You put it on, cook at a very low temperature, run your errands & when you return dinner is just about ready. I was out of carrots or mushrooms or I would have added them. You can use what you like or what you have with this recipe, it cooks and all of the flavors marry as it is cooking. The broth is thickened, rich & very flavorful, & all the vegetables absorbs the flavors of each other. Serve with mashed potatoes & another veggie & Sis Schubert's Parkerhouse Dinner Rolls if desired. AWESOME COMFORT FOOD.

yield 10 to 12 depending on portion size
prep time 20 Min
cook time 5 Hr
method Roast

Ingredients For 5 hour round tip beef roast

  • 5 lb
    round tip beef roast
  • 3 lg
    onions halved and cut into quarters or eights
  • 2 lg
    green bell peppers cut into large chunks
  • 5 stalk
    celery cut into medium pieces
  • 3-4 sprig
    fresh thyme, (can use dried also)
  • 2-3 sprig
    fresh rosemary
  • 2 pkg
    beef onion soup mix
  • 2 c
    beef or chicken stock ( i was out of beef so i used chicken)
  • 2 c
    red wine (the kind you would drink for dinner)
  • 3/4 c
    all purpose flour
  • 3-4 md
    roma tomatoes halved
  • fresh green onion tops chopped for garnish
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp
    each granulated garlic & sweet paprika
  • 2 Tbsp
    steak seasoning (such as montreal steak seasoning)

How To Make 5 hour round tip beef roast

  • 1
    Cooking a roast this size is best done in a cast iron Dutch oven, skillet or pot. LOW AND SLOW WORKS BEST ALSO. Cast iron tends to hold the heat at an even temperature as it cooks, and breaks down the muscle tissue in the roast. I am sure you could do this in a slow cooker as well, but I LOVE & prefer to use MY 15 INCH CAST IRON SKILLET AND LID.
  • 2
    Combine spices in a small bowl and blend well, then sprinkle liberally over the beef roast coating all sides. Then sprinkle about 1/4 cup of the flour over the top and bottom of roast.
  • 3
    Spray the skillet or pan with non stick cooking spray. Then line skillet with the cut and chopped veggies, however desired. Making a bed of veggies. Add the sprigs of thyme & rosemary around outer perimeter of the skillet.
  • 4
    Nestle the roast down into the center of the dish till roast touches the bottom of skillet or pot & veggies surround the roast. Now combine the wine and stock together and then pour around the roast. Add both packages of the soup mix, then sprinkle with the remaining flour.
  • 5
    Cover with a tight fitting lid or foil, and place in preheated 300 degree F oven, and cook for 5 hours till meat is tender. DO NOT DISTURB WHILE COOKING.
  • 6
    When the 5 hours has elapsed, remove from oven. Remove lid, allow roast to rest at least 10 minutes. Remove roast to a platter. Then slice as desired. I prefer using an electric knife. Add the veggies around roast from the skillet, and drizzle with some of the beef juices if desired. Serve with other sides and enjoy.