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Lowfat Cole Slaw: Variation on a Theme

Lowfat Cole Slaw: Variation on a Theme was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"I'm not a big cole slaw fan, but I make it two or three times a year for a change of pace. In the South it's a traditional side dish with barbequed pork - and in North Carolina they add slaw to pulled pork sandwiches. I also like it with chili (just as I like steamed cabbage with chili). Cabbage just seems to a good match for a bowl of red. This version substitutes yogurt for the usual mayonnaise and I add just a touch of honey for sweetness. (Larger image.)..."

1 quarter head of cabbage, red or green; sliced thin
1 small carrot; grated
2 green onions, white and green; cut into 1/4-inch lengths
1/2 cup plain lowfat yogurt
2 tsp. honey
2 tsp. brown mustard
Salt and black pepper to taste
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