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Honey Walnut Cream Cheese Stuffed Dates

"Honey Walnut Cream Cheese Stuffed Dates are incredibly easy to make, require no cooking and lean towards the healthy side of holiday foods. These dates are delicious! Honey Walnut Cream Cheese Stuffed Dates I thought I would sneak in one last holiday recipe before calling it quits for the year. I'm sure lots of you are entertaining through the end of the year and having fabulous New Years Eve parties, right?! Today's Honey Walnut Cream Cheese Stuffed Dates recipe is one that is incredibly easy, requires no cooking..."

~40 dates (pitted)
8 oz GO Veggie! Plain Cream Cheese
2 tbsp honey (plus additional for drizzling)
1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts
1/4 tsp salt
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