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Homemade Drawing Salve with Honey & Calendula

Homemade Drawing Salve with Honey & Calendula was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>

"Homemade drawing salve may be one of the best options when it comes to healing. Drawing salve is a blend of ingredients that create an ointment used topically to help heal skin inflammation, boils, insect bites and splinters. In ancient times, drawing salve, also known as black salve, was believed to draw out evil spirits... Read more »..."

•1 teaspoon honey
•1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
•2 tablespoons calendula Infused olive oil
•1 tablespoon arnica oil
•1 tablespoon aloe vera
•1 teaspoon activated charcoal
•1 tablespoon coconut oil
•2 tablespoons shea butter
•10 drops frankincense essential oil
•10 drops tea tree oil
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