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Golden Garlic Mayonnaise

"My very earliest kitchen memories are of making proper mayonnaise by hand under my mother’s strict instructions; making it any other way has always felt sacrilegious. Besides, the result always seemed to have more in common with mayonnaise out of a jar, so why not stick with that or make the real stuff? And then I came across J. Kenji López-Alt’s method for blender mayonnaise, and everything changed. It’s a true kitchen blessing: the one-minute mayo with the texture you can normally only get by very slowly d..."

1 large egg (at room temperature)
¼ teaspoon saffron threads
2 garlic cloves (peeled and halved)
1 x 15ml tablespoon lemon juice plus 1 teaspoon more
½ teaspoon sea salt flakes
1 x 15ml tablespoon cold water
250 millilitres cold-pressed rapeseed oil or regular olive oil
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