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Favorite Fudge Birthday Cupcakes with 7-Minute Icing

Favorite Fudge Birthday Cupcakes with 7-Minute Icing was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"These moist, deep-dark chocolate cupcakes are topped with a thick swirl of classic 7-minute frosting, made in a non-traditional way: no 7 minutes of beating in a double boiler on the stovetop required. Note: The USFDA advises against consumption of raw eggs in any form. If you're worried about possible egg contamination and health issues, please be sure to use pasteurized egg whites in the frosting for these cupcakes. Read our blog about these cupcakes, with additional photos, at Bakers' Banter...."

Batter for Favorite Fudge Birthday Cake*
*Want to use your ingredients more efficiently? Reduce the vegetable oil from 3/4 cup to 2/3 cup; and add 2 egg yolks to the batter along with the 4 whole eggs, reserving the 2 whites for the frosting.
egg whites
cream of tartar
vanilla extract
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