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Easy Lacto-Fermentation: Homemade Sauerkraut, Vegan Kimchi Kraut, Jalapeno Hot Sauce, and Dill Pickles | Monson Made This

"I've been wanting to add more fermented foods to my diet, but I assumed that the process of fermentation was a lot more difficult and labor intensive. Turns out, that it’s beyond easy, and just take a bit of waiting time to get some amazing, sour, probiotic rich foods that you can pretty much add to any dish...."

1 large head organic green cabbage
2 to 3 tablespoons salt
2 32 ounce (1 quart) wide-mouth canning jars with metal rings
2 fermenting lids (link in notes)
Weights: glass stones, large marbles, or fermentation weights
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