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Dulce de Leche 2 recipes

Dulce de Leche 2 recipes was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Dulce de Leche Recipe One
I made my dulce de leche using a method I found out about from The Clumsy Cook. I also
have to credit her for my whole interest in dulce de leche. It looked so tasty in her picture!
1/2 gallon of milk
2 cups sugar (I used vanilla sugar to make it extra vanilla flavored.
You can also put vanilla beans into the pot if you have some.)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Pour milk, vanilla, and sugar into a pot over medium-high heat (make sure the pot is big enough so that milk won’t spill over the sides when it boils). Bring to a boil, whisking constantly.
Turn heat down and slightly simmer over very low heat for about 2.5 to 3 hours. Check the mixture every once in a while to make sure it isn't simmering too much. When done, stir until smooth and pour dulce de leche into jars. Refrigerate any leftover
Note: I had mine on the stove for 5 hours! It is possible that this was because I didn't whisk it enough at the beginning. I have a metal whisk and I didn't want to scratch the pot. I know, pots are meant to be scratched. However, my husband likes ou
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