partytime mocktails

Recipe by
Lisa G. Sweet Pantry Gal
Buffalo, NY

Always enjoyed my pretend cocktails when I was a child. My favorite was the kiddy cocktail I would get when my parents took me out for my birthday. So I collected a few of my favorites.

yield serving(s)
prep time 10 Min
method No-Cook or Other

Ingredients For partytime mocktails

  • kool-aid
  • fresh or frozen fruit
  • gingerale
  • lemon-lime soda
  • can frozen lemonade
  • sherbert
  • cotton candy

How To Make partytime mocktails

  • 1
    Koolaid Fruit Freeze Freeze koolaid in icecube trays,add to punch bowl, add frozen fruit, pour 2 quarts lemonaidetop with liter of gingerale.
  • 2
    Cookies and milk Pour milk in fancy glasses and add cookie. Any flavored milk and any cookie will do. For girls party a strawberry milk with pretty decorated sugar cookie is cute.
  • 3
    Cotton Candy Bubble Spritz Fill clear glass with cotton candy and pour 7up over.
  • 4
    Easy fruit punch sherbert Quart sherbert in punchbowl, pour fruit punch over and top with gingerale. I use different color sherberts and softdrinks according to holiday theme.