grace's fish cup cakes

Recipe by
Grace Camp
Dunlap, TN

i made these for my sons last day of school when he was in kindergarten and his teacher was always saying""stop ""buying"" cup cake"" well i didn't. i just have a flare for it lookin like i did i guess lol

prep time 20 Min
cook time 15 Min

Ingredients For grace's fish cup cakes

  • 1 box any cake flavor and ingredients to make it with.
  • 2 tubs frosting. blue food coloring.
  • 1 tub red sugar. tube of red, green, andyellow frosting or betty crocker easy writer food decorations
  • cup cake papers. cup cake pan.
  • pre-heat oven 350
  • 2 boxes gummie fish or fun fruit fish

How To Make grace's fish cup cakes

  • 1
    make cake mix as directed. pour into cupcake papers that r in pan. leaving a little from top so it can rise. let cool
  • 2
    while cup cakes r baking. take 1 tub of white frosting and color it blue with blue food coloring,
  • 3
    when cup cakes r cool frost kinda thin[not real thin] so u will be able to decorate it as a fish tank or under water fish scene
  • 4
    ok now that u've frosted it blue, take red colored sugar and gently put some at what will be the botton of the cup cake. then take the green writer pen and make green foilege on sides of cup cake.
  • 5
    take a tube of orange frosting in tube or orages writer pen and make a star fish[leaving the middle pretty well empty to put a gummie fish there. then take a orange writer pen and make a small sea shell. then put ur gummie fish in the middle part on the red bottom of the tank/sea shore. then take the yellow and make little air bubbles going up from the top of the red sugar on cup cake
  • 6
    note:: u may make a sheet cake and make this even bigger. and get marzapan and make fish free hand with it. u can buy it in different colors and / or color it ur self.

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