baking chart

Recipe by
Billie Neal
Malden, MO

This recipe comes from a 1968 recipe book titled,"Favorite Recipes From Church of GOD Ladies". Each of the recipes has the ladies' name and home town and I will include this with the recipe and if you know or are related to this person, I would really like to know. The recipes I post from this cookbook are ones I have tried and really like or are unusual due to ingredients or possibly due to the number of recipes with the same name but are different in some way. I hope you enjoy. I know some the recipes are really lacking in some or all areas, but I am posting them as they are in the cookbook

yield serving(s)

Ingredients For baking chart

  • Cupcakes
    375 degrees for 20 minutes
  • Layers
    350-375 degrees for 20-35 minutes
  • Squares
    350 for 25-40 minutes
  • Oblongs
    350 for 25-40 minutes
  • Upside dow
    350 for 25-40 minutes
  • Angel-tube
    375 for 30-40 minutes
  • chiffon-tu
    325 for 55 minutes
  • then 350 for 10-15 minutes
  • Sponge-tub
    325 for 55-60 minutes
  • Fruit Cake
    275 for 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hours
  • Drop
    350-400 degrees for 8-15 minutes
  • Rolled
    350-375 degrees for 5-12 minutes
  • Frigator
    350-400 degrees for 8-15 minutes
  • Filled
    350-375 degrees for 8-12 minutes
  • Bars
    325-375 degrees for 10-35 minutes
  • Thread
    230-234 degrees
  • Soft Ball
    234-238 degrees
  • Medium Bal
    238-244 degrees
  • Firm Ball
    244-248 degrees
  • Hard Ball
    248-254 degrees
  • Very Hard
    254-265 degrees
  • Light Crac
  • Hard Crack
  • Muffins
    375-425 degrees for 15-25 minutes
  • Nut Bread
    350 degrees for 40-60 minutes
  • Coffee Cak
    350-375 degrees for 25-40 minutes
  • Sweet Roll
    (yeast) 375-400 degrees for 10-25 minutes

How To Make baking chart

  • 1
    I hope this is helpful. Thanks and happy baking!!!