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Crusty Artisan No-Knead Bread

Crusty Artisan No-Knead Bread was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"This recipe is easily doubled (or probably tripled if you have enough pots and oven space). If you don't have a heavy enamel cast iron pot, you should totally get one (kidding, kind of) - or you can try using other items. My aunt uses her sturdy crockpot insert (covered with tin foil not the crockpot lid) and my cousin has used a glass Pyrex bowl. Just make sure that anything you use can withstand a 450 degree oven. This bread recipe works great if you want to use any add-ins. Some of my favorites are shredded or cubed Asiago cheese, cranberries and fresh rosemary, herbs and lemon zest...the options really are endless. You can add them into the dough before you scrape it out of the bowl...."

3 1/3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour (about 17 ounces)
1/4 teaspoon instant yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 cups room temperature water
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