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Cold oven vanilla pound cake Recipe

Cold oven vanilla pound cake Recipe was pinched from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"This is one of those things I have to keep my eye on when I put it on the menu. The staff loves it so much that I have to put signs up teling them to stop eating the poundcake. I always feed the staff but it woud get so bad that I was ending up making double the amount just to have enough for the customers. It really is a good poundcake. This will yield 2 loaves of cake. Butter & flour your pans well. If you have parchment paper cut a piece to fit on the bottom, spray pan, put parchment in, spray again & flour. It's important that the oven be OFF when you put the cakes in. Then turn it to 325 degrees. Bake for 45 min - 1 hour or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean...."

8 oz. room temp butter
3c. sugar
5 eggs + 2 yolks( make sure your eggs are room temp as well..this insures your batter won't curdle)
3c. all purpose flour( sift flour 3 times before measuring) this is very important!
1 tsp. salt
1 sp. baking powder
2 Tbl. vanilla( if you have vanilla beans use 3/4 tsp vanilla & scrape 1 vanilla bean with your sugar)
1/2 c. sour cream(creme fraiche is better)
1/2 c. heavy cream
For lemon poundcake:
1c. buttermilk or 3/4 cup sour cream thinned with 1/4 cup milk
zest of 4 lemon. Add zest to butter sugar mix. Top with lemon glaze. Take 2 cups of powdered sugar & add lemon juice until a thick but pourable consistency.
Marbled poud cake:
remove 1/2 of the batter and add 1/2 cup cocoa powder & 1 oz. unsweetened, melted chocolate. (I used sharffenberger brand for both). Pour 1/2 vanilla base into pans & plop spoonfuls of choc batter on top. Pour other half of vanilla batter on
top with choc ganache. Melt 12oz.semisweet.Add 12 oz scalding cream. Whisk together. Let cool. Pour over poundcake. Use any remaining ganache for truffles!
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