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Cinnabons Cinnamon Rolls

"Cinnabons Cinnamon Rolls – a cinnabon copycat recipe, about the closest you’ll get to the real thing. Super easy to make...."

2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast (or instant yeast)
1 cup milk (lukewarm)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup butter (unsalted, softened, or margarine)
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup brown sugar (packed)
3 tbsp cinnamon
1/3 cup butter (unsalted, softened, or margarine)
6 tbsp butter (unsalted, softened, or margarine)
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar (also known as icing sugar, or confectioner's sugar)
1/4 cup cream cheese (at room temperature)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp salt
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