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Bread for the Dead: Celebrating the Day of the Dead (Pan de Muerto)

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Every culture has some ritual or tradition to deal with death. Not the death that ends the physical life, but the death that ends one phase of existence and leads to another. In Mexico, this celebration is the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos).
Around this time, every home and many businesses render homage to those who are no longer with us on earth, but remain in our memories. From the 31st of October to the 1st of November, the work of cleaning and decorating goes on to prepare for the fe
While celebrations honoring the dead go back to pre-Spanish times in Mexico, the current celebrations include sugar skulls, jewelry, everyday items and of course, the Pan de Muerto, or Bread of the Dead.
This is the recipe I will be sharing with you. In Mexico, the Bread of the Dead is a central part of the celebration. But it is also served as one of the principal foods offered on this day. It is a food that arrives at the table to be admired, becau
Yields: 10–12 portions
¼ cup butter
¼ cup warm water (110ºF)
¼ cup 2% milk
2 teaspoons yeast
½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup white granulated sugar
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 egg whites and 3 egg yolks
2 teaspoons orange extract
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Grated orange rind
2 egg yolks
¼ cup white granulated sugar
1 tablespoon red colored sugar
1 tablespoon orange colored sugar
(Directions follow below photo)
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