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Baked Feta Spaghetti Squash - Lillie Eats and Tells

"Try this super yummy, creamy baked feta spaghetti squash. It is low-fat and macro friendly and tastes just as good if not better!..."

4 oz block of feta (mine was just 4 fat per oz*)
2.5 cups cherry tomatoes (530 g)
½ bell pepper (thinly sliced (80 g))
¼ red onion (thinly sliced (80 g))
1 tsp kosher salt
Pinch of red pepper
¼ cup basil (thinly sliced, divided (8 g))
½ Tbsp olive oil (7 g- spray works too)
5 frozen cubes of garlic (or minced cloves)
1 small spaghetti squash (530 g strands after cooked)
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