Better than Store Bought Chocolate Covered Cherries Photo #3

These Took A Long Time To Make But The Result Was Worth It. They Taste Amazing !
Photo shared by
Angela Gray @angiemath
These took a long time to make but the result was worth it. They taste amazing !
Angela Gray - over a year ago
Thanks Peggi, they were fun !
Peggi Anne Tebben - over a year ago
Good job Angela! I'm making these soon!
Angela Gray - over a year ago
Awww shucks, you know you are lying ! lol I love you to girl, can't wait till we get to cook together ! Merry Christmas my dear friend and sister !!!
Sherri Williams - over a year ago
Angela, you are correct! It's a shame that you know me so freakin' well. I'm crazy & koo koo over cooking! BTW, I'm also crazy and koo koo over my wonderful friends Angela, Jan & others. Thank you both for always bringing a smile and shuckle to my crazy butt! I heart you girls more than you know. sw☺
Angela Gray - over a year ago
She is crazy, what are you talking about ! lol
Jan W - over a year ago
lol, Angela, Sherri doesn't usually do easy...what she thinks is easy is usually way too involved for me!!! She's such an amazing cook, has all kinds of great ideas...I wanna be just like her when I grow up...:)
Angela Gray - over a year ago
pigs in a blanket, squeezy cheese and crackers, frozen quiches, and celery and blue cheese. Listen to us girl, EASY, easy, repeat after me, EASY
Sherri Williams - over a year ago
thanks jan, i'll enjoy myself...
Jan W - over a year ago
Sherri, something simple like spinach dip & crackers or veggies goes great & you don't have to slave over it! Or a cheeseball & crackers...take a break girl, you want to enjoy yourself too!
Sherri Williams - over a year ago
ok, miss angela...U 1st! i don't think that our friend jan will be ok with that. i'm making rub for 7 slabs of ribs i'm smoking 2morrow to take to orlando next week. i'm gonna freeze them. i have so many requests for meals during christmas, not to mention that i'm fixing all the goodies for the office christmas party on wednesday. i'm gonna do heavy hors d'oeuvres...maybe around 7-8 different ones. do you girls have any suggestions for really simple tasty small bites? i have a few that i lnow i'm gonna do, but would love some other suggestions...please help a sister out...sw☺
Angela Gray - over a year ago
ME first, me first !!!
Sherri Williams - over a year ago
you are right jan!! i need to take a road trip and visit you, angela & a host of others.,..
Jan W - over a year ago
lol, Sherri, you need to take a roadtrip up to visit Angela...make sure you take a refrigerated box van for all the goodies you'll bring back...♥
Sherri Williams - over a year ago
champagne ideas with beer pocketbooks, i'd say!!! angela, you should be charging $45...i'd buy one in a heart beat if you could mail it and it would arrive safely...
Angela Gray - over a year ago
Your probably right ! lol And thank you...