Ann McCue - over a year ago
1 cup in the crust (which is 2 sticks) then 1/2 cup in the frosting ( which is 1 stick) total of 3 sticks!! :)
Ann McCue - over a year ago
Morning Sharon! In he recipe I say 1 1/2 cups butter, which is 3 sticks! hope you give them a try, they are so yummy!! :)
sharon good - over a year ago
Curious--u mention in your first comment that you use 3 sticks butter. I only see that there is only 1 1/2 sticks in the recipe. Did you leave some ingredients out? Thanks
Ann McCue - over a year ago
Thanks Kathi!! boy I don't know about doubling it. I never have!!!
Wendy Rusch if your reading this, have you every done it to make them thicker???Kathi, Wendy use to make them when she had her sweet shop. I suppose you could. just bake them longer perhaps!!? sorry I am not much help. Its worth a try I guess!!! wow, I just had to giggle thinking there would be 6 sticks of butter in those babies if you doubled it!!! hahaha!!! YIKES!!! :)
Kathi Barrie - over a year ago
I'm definitely going to make these. Could you double the recipe if you want them thicker?
Peggy Sanders - over a year ago
Yes, its a close up of the picture so it looks thicker. It is the best picture of all too!
Ann McCue - over a year ago
stacy keep them in the fridge and yes they freeze well. thanks for the nice comment!!!! hope you like them. let me know!!!!:)
Stacey Hunt - over a year ago
When I got to this picture, I thought this was the best looking final product out of all the ones before it. It looks heavenly! The crust looks flaky and not pasty.
Everything looks beyond perfection in all aspects! Each layer is what it is supposed to be flaky, silky then creamy. I am going to make these tomorrow. Thank goodness I have a new real lemon to use.

Has anyone put these into the freezer for drop in guests or, "bad day, need a treat badly!"?
Ann McCue - over a year ago
Hi Girls!!! I also used a 9x13 pan. so I don't know, maby just the picture makes them look thicker!! Thin or thick they are good!! :)
Valentina Beavers - over a year ago
yeah, i noticed that too. did you do something different?
Annamarie Leong - over a year ago
ur looks thick and for some reason mine came out thinner, maybe it could have been my pan. it was a 9x13