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Recipes matching “nutter”

Nutter Butter and Chocolate Overload Cupcakes

My husband loves chocolate and peanut butter. I took the idea from my Death by Oreo...
(5) 62 ratings

Nutter Butter Santas

These are a super easy and very cute cookie for Christmas. Most everyone loves the Nutter...
(5) 3 ratings

Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Pie

Had a family gathering at Thanksgiving several years back and my nephew's wife brought this pie....
(5) 1 rating

Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Pie

I won my very first pie baking contest with this pie...1st place and best in show!!!...
(5) 4 ratings

Nutter Butter Cookie Balls

Super easy and super good! The kids love to help with making them.
(5) 2 ratings

Nutter Butter Krispie Treats - Steph

OMG - what is there not to like about Nutter Butter cookies and then combined with...
(5) 2 ratings

Nutter Butter Banana Pudding Trifle

Banana pudding is my absolute favorite! I buy it @ any restaurant, if it's served, and...
(5) 1 rating

Nutter Butter Ice Cream Cups

I splurged on Nutter Butters @ the grocery store to get gas reward points. (Ha, ha!)...
(4) 2 ratings

Reese’s Nutter Butter Cookie Truffles Recipe icon
All six of us girls are huge peanut butter and chocolate fans! If a table full...

Nutter Butter Football Cupcakes icon
These Nutter Butter Football Cupcakes are the ultimate treat for the chocolate and peanut butter lover and just...

Make This Nutter Butter Cheesecake For The PB Lover In Your Life icon
The toffee crunch? Game-changing.

Nutter Butter Cookie Balls

I make these all the time for parties, holidays, as edible favors... They are so...
(5) 3 ratings