17 posted recipes have been Pinched 1,190 times!

Lively Huckleberry Bread Pudding

Huckleberries in north Idaho are Purple Gold! This year was no exception! Our oldest...

Lively Compost Cake

my Dear Husband dubbed this 10 day German Friendship cake, the “compost cake” This was very...

Huckleberry Lime Bread "Lively" N. Idaho Version

i used Patti Jones Lemon Blueberry recipe and converted to huckleberry lime bread for our Son's...
(5) 1 rating

Grandma Barr's Wacky Cake

One of my fondest memories of my Dad's Mom, Grandma Barr, was her "Wacky Cake" it...
(5) 1 rating

Cheddar Potato Soup

'Twas a chilly night, what to fix for dinner? Hmm, what's in the frig? Cheese, check,...
(5) 1 rating

Momma's Red Velvet Cake 1960's

From my Momma, it was popular in the 60’s the recipe comes from the Waldorf Astoria...
(5) 1 rating

Twisted Cream Cheese Frosting

We were invited a couple of weeks ago to our Dear Friend's house for dinner and...
(5) 1 rating

Peanut Butter No Flour Kiss Cookies

This recipe came to me in the 90's from a gal who was in our home...
(5) 1 rating

Hot Buttered Christmas Batter

This is another recipe from the best man at our wedding, O, so long ago. Dear...
(5) 2 ratings

Peachy Keen Angel Cake w/Orange Frosting

It was 7:30pm on a Saturday night after a long day of working outside. i needed...
(5) 2 ratings