
Recipe by
Peggy Boss
Joelton, TN

my mom's mom..nanny nell,used to make this,as did my mom,and her 2 nanny is gone as are my 2 mom and i just smile and think of them all when we share a "pot of noodles" and a bologna sandwhich..

yield 3 +
prep time 10 Min
cook time 45 Min
method Stove Top

Ingredients For noodles

  • water to boil noodles (using a medium pot use enough water to cover plus enough to give the noodles some juice)
  • 2 sm
    cans of plain tomato sauce not paste
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • aprox
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 box
    elbow macaroni or small/medium shells(if you have the long spagetti noodles you can use them too) just make sure you have enough water.the smaller box of long spagetti (12oz box)

How To Make noodles

  • 1
    in a med to lg pot add water to about 3/4 full. bring to boil. add tblspn. veg oil. bring to boil.add noodle choice from above. add salt. cook for aprox 10 mins. reduce to simmer. add tomato sauce 1 can at a time, until you like the flavor, add pepper. cover. check aprox. 5 to 7 mins for thickening.stir.then taste. add more salt and or pepper if repeat stirring and tasting until its just right.. then turn off stove. remove from burner. let sit aprox 5 mins uncover, stir,put in a bowl. while it's cooling, fix your bologna sandwhich..take bowl of noodles and bologna sandwhich to table and EAT!
  • 2
    sometimes, if we didn't want the bologna sandwhich, we would eat the noodles with saltine crackers (most of the time the crackers had miricle whip smeared all over it..YUMMMM) don't say ewwww until you've tried it.. its good!