Lisa G. Sweet Pantry Gal - over a year ago
Thanks Melanie. Wish I could make your garage sale! Some body is going to be very lucky!
Melanie B - over a year ago
The second one is more like what I remember. Although I think mine called for more of a variety of veggies than all that broccoli.
I am hoping by this summer I will get through my storage sheds, have a huge yardsale and have the items I want to keep at my apartment.
Melanie B - over a year ago
Shoot, I can't find one right now.
Melanie B - over a year ago
I have moved 2 times in the 1 1/2 years. I have no idea where that cookbook is now. But it was the same idea. I think it started with a styrofoam cone that you covered in foil then toothpicked on your veggies in bite sized pieces. I will look on line and see if there is one similar.
Lisa G. Sweet Pantry Gal - over a year ago
Melanie is there a pic of a veggie one? Id love to see!
Melanie B - over a year ago
Super cute. I have a 'recipe' for one that uses veggies. It is from a cookbook I've had for years. I just love the idea of an edible centerpiece.