Sauerkraut and Pork for New Years Day Photo #14

Just Before Taking It Off The Stove To Serve. Oh What Aroma! I Wish I Had One Or Two More Taters To Completely Cover The Top.
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Tom Miller @ILuvPuppies
Just before taking it off the stove to serve. OH what aroma! I wish I had one or two more taters to completely cover the top.
Rose Selvar - over a year ago
I don't remember seeing your comment on page 9. I'll go check it out. Thanks. 1/17/14
Tom Miller - over a year ago
Rose, You're very welcome. I don't know if you looked at the latest comments or not, but I posted the complete process I did on comments page 9. I honestly don't think you can do this dish wrong except maybe let it go dry and scorch. The taters made it for us. I know you and your hubs will enjoy it as we did. I'm thinking of different variations to try now. I'm sure glad Marcia introduced this one to us!
Rose Selvar - over a year ago
Thanks for your answer to my question, Tom.
This looks like a recipe that hubs and I will like....and I love one-dish meals...1/17/14 11:36 a.m.
Tom Miller - over a year ago
Hi Rose, I simmered and hour and a half after adding the potatoes. They were perfectly steamed. Total cook time was 2 1/2 hrs plus the 5 min or so to sear the meat.
Rose Selvar - over a year ago
Looks like a one-pan meal....
Like the idea of adding the potatoes.
How long did it take til the potatoes were done?